Monday, March 31, 2014

Comments from Sandra Thompson, Eldon Tozer's Niece

It was in the nineties when I had access to a computer that I started searching for someone who knew my uncle Eldon Tozer. Someone who could fill me in with some details about the night he died and what his role was in the war. I connected with Butch Jarvinen and Gary Holmes and they were able to give me some information but I still wanted to know more.

Forty five years have passed since Uncle Eldon's death. Rolland Kidder has answered so many of my questions in his book "Backtracking in Brown Water". He has helped me learn what everyday life was like for Uncle Eldon and what role he played in the war. There were times in the book that I felt like I was in Vietnam. I know now that without a shadow of doubt that Uncle Eldon was hoping to help give the people of Vietnam a better and safer life.

A quote from the book. "There is a knowledge or experience gap between what is going on at home, and what is happening in combat. The world between the soldier and his family proffers silence."

For me Rolland Kidder has broken that silence. I will read the book a second time. Thank you Rolland for all your efforts in keeping Uncle Eldon's memory alive.

Sandra Thompson

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