Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Letter of Paul Rost


It is with great thanks and appreciation that I write you about your book. After receiving it, I had held off reading it until I could focus on it completely.

Thank you. Your words about my brother Jimmy while sad to read, and again reminding me of our loss, are also comforting in that I saw that the Jim you knew was the Jimmy I remember so fondly. He was a very special person to us. For years after his death, my eyes would water whenever the Star Spangled Banner would be sung at an event. It reminded me of his service to our great country that our flag represents and that he served so honorably, yet did not return to be able to enjoy such events. The pain has diminished over time, but is never gone.

While Jimmy was/is a great loss to us, it seems to pale in comparison to the loss of Chief Tozer and the impact on his children. To lose both a mother and a father so close together and at a young age is just something no one should have to go through. It is a testament to their parenting and the strength of their family ties that they have come through the ordeal so well.

Your book provided me insight into the War as you and your fellow men, including Jimmy, experienced it. To my recollection, Jimmy did not tell us details of fighting he was experiencing, so your book provides excellent context to help me understand what it was like. As you know, while 'history' records the War one way, each of us who have served there experienced it in our own personal way. Thank you for sharing the history of your war and your thoughts about it.

I have great respect for what you and the men of the Brown Water Navy went through. Thank you for sharing it through this book, and in honoring the lives and sacrifices of Chief Tozer, Bob Olson, and Jim Rost.

Thank you for your service to our Country.

Best regards,

Paul Rost

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